At this point I am becoming irritated...
Over the last year of so I've had many reports stating that people have talked to me in person, via phone or via fraudulent email addresses.
In the case that any of you are the ones who believe that they may have contacted me; I'm sorry you have not.. unless you write to me at and only at
The is not me and is a fraud. Also, I have spoken to only Adren via my cell phone in many months although some other do have my number.
I hope this serves as a warning to those of you who may have been fooled and a thorn in the side of the one who admires me so much he would like to take my mask to wear as his own.
An Operative Grey
"Grey, depending on the amount of light, the human eye can interpret the same object as either grey or some other color and grey is its own complement. Grey can be seen after seeing a picture for about 30 seconds in a visual image that persists after the visual stimulus causing it has ceased to act; the colors will switch to their complements."
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
NCI's Lebanon Connection
Agents are in demand now more than ever in this area. Thats why many of you North American Ops have been seeing a quiet lull these past few months. you recall the Nigerian scammers right? This is 100X more dangerous and 100X more lucrative if NCI plays it cards right. Iran has exported its revolution to the Shiite sector in Lebanon and NCI has been instrumental in establishing contacts and building cells there. In this vein, it has built, financed, equipped, trained Hizballah operatives along side our own, empowering it as a political party and armed militia. Indeed, Hizballah is the long arm Iran has long used to threaten Israel and now currently with a little aid from the shady free lance intelligence agency we have all grown to love. This use of NCI as a middleman of sorts by Iran has proven to be useful for avoiding American criticism because of the inherent lack of Iranian evidence left by the use of this arrangement.
Some of the magick training and occult overtures that have been seen currently and in the past with NCI have strong ties with Islamic Sufism. This induction has worked well when sending operatives to work in this area of the world. Sufism, partly because orthodox resistance precluded its integration is most often practiced in cells called a tariqa or zawiya or ribat. This religious sect is not know for extremism and thus is not a likely suspect to be watched with much interest. Due to the aforementioned facts a sufi cell is the perfect cover for these operations.....
I've probably said too much and let the cat partially out of the bag already but hey its not like they have any power to stop me these days...
here is the picture of recent evidence submitted by Tremonti:

Some of the magick training and occult overtures that have been seen currently and in the past with NCI have strong ties with Islamic Sufism. This induction has worked well when sending operatives to work in this area of the world. Sufism, partly because orthodox resistance precluded its integration is most often practiced in cells called a tariqa or zawiya or ribat. This religious sect is not know for extremism and thus is not a likely suspect to be watched with much interest. Due to the aforementioned facts a sufi cell is the perfect cover for these operations.....
I've probably said too much and let the cat partially out of the bag already but hey its not like they have any power to stop me these days...
here is the picture of recent evidence submitted by Tremonti:

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
This should have been here not the boards
Neurocam is a fansatic facade of interwoven narriatives poking out twisting around and then turning in on themsevles seeming to impolde endlessly. However there is always another narrative waiting behind it to do the same thing. Every bit of information gained is another peice that it taken away from you and with every door opened there is yet another door waiting behind it, taking you back to the place you whence came.
Neurocam is a shady multinational corporation with suspect intentions yet it is not a shady multinational corporation with suspect intentions. Neurocam is an ARG yet it is not an ARG. Neurocam is an unveiling of no particualr thing but what it is depends on the person in which it is unveiled to yet no particular thing is by definition nothing yet something is to be unveiled.
Neurocam is not unlike us changing each moment like a cloud drifitng through the sky not bieng anymore than the sum of its experiences and those that experience it. Yet Neurocam was never meant to be about a group of people working together to solve puzzles which would leave the cloud void of the water vapor that is its existance.
So Neurocam is nothing and everythig all at once killed and being reborn with its every action.
"Everything is intuited or perceived in space and time, and therefore all objects of a possible experience , are nothing but phenomenal appearances, that is, mere representations, which in the way in which they are represented to us, as extended beings, or as series of changes, have no independent, self-subsistent existence apart from our thoughts."
—Critique of Pure Reason
Neurocam is a shady multinational corporation with suspect intentions yet it is not a shady multinational corporation with suspect intentions. Neurocam is an ARG yet it is not an ARG. Neurocam is an unveiling of no particualr thing but what it is depends on the person in which it is unveiled to yet no particular thing is by definition nothing yet something is to be unveiled.
Neurocam is not unlike us changing each moment like a cloud drifitng through the sky not bieng anymore than the sum of its experiences and those that experience it. Yet Neurocam was never meant to be about a group of people working together to solve puzzles which would leave the cloud void of the water vapor that is its existance.
So Neurocam is nothing and everythig all at once killed and being reborn with its every action.
"Everything is intuited or perceived in space and time, and therefore all objects of a possible experience , are nothing but phenomenal appearances, that is, mere representations, which in the way in which they are represented to us, as extended beings, or as series of changes, have no independent, self-subsistent existence apart from our thoughts."
—Critique of Pure Reason
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Perception and Gnosology
One half hour ago i received an email form Mr. jack Parsons again. He said it was unfortunate that i have already previously done a perception assignment but it was protocol that i do another for him. Well there isn't much that's too unfortunate about it. The last one a submitted didn't require photographs and explanations of to why i would pick them to "represent how I see the world". I'm actually excited to do this again as it means of warming up the old grey matter. I will deliver to them a sort of gnosis...
"Gnosology may be considered in the context of cognitive psychology to be a study of gnosis; or an attempt to objectively access the experience of an other's firsthand knowledge."-wikipedia
Gnosology is something that has always interested me weather i knew that was the word for it or not. I like so many others sometimes feel trapped behind my own eyes and wish that i could see through others and they through mine. Every ones perception differs and there is no way to have another person experience the same thing you did even if you had been standing shoulder to shoulder at the time of the event in which you are trying to objectively share. Depending on your thought process you can "see" different objects and events in the same time and space and of course you will have differing emotions on the subject. Now I know this is no Revelation to you more just a reiteration of the facts.But it is for my own frustration with this subject that brings me to enjoy art.
Creating visual arts is the closest thing to being able to create an experience of gnosis. By translating and abstracting a picture or event through your mind via your hand and tool set you are reducing (but not eliminating) the viewers own Semiotic process... to some extent.
Semiosis this one s a bit hard to explain without going too in depth. I'll borrow what i can to explain. This blurb explains the act of semiosi I think you'll get the drift
"As an insect or animal, human or otherwise, moves through its environment (sometimes termed the Umwelt), all the senses collect data which are made available to the brain. However, to prevent sensory overload, only salient data will receive the full attention of the cognitive elements of the mind. This indicates that a part of the process must be controlled by a model of the real world capable of ranking data elements in terms of their significance and filtering out the data irrelevant to survival. A sign cannot function until the audience distinguishes it from the background noise. It then triggers cognitive activity to interpret the data input and so convert it into meaningful information"
"Umwelt; The term is usually translated as "subjective universe".
The Umwelt theory states that the mind and the world are inseparable, because it is the mind that interprets the world for the organism. Consequently, the Umwelts of different organisms differ, which follows from the individuality and uniqueness of the history of every single organism. When two Umwelts interact, this creates a semiosphere."
"Semiosphere is the sphere of semiosis in which the sign processes operate in the set of all interconnected Umwelts"
Definitions from ~Wikipedia
So if i haven't lost you yet ..what I'm trying to say is that by simply painting a picture or taking a photo etc. you are essentially removing the person from their own umwlet and their own semiotic process and letting them see the world through the semiosphere as you see it.
Now of course every piece of art it then reinterpreted again by the viewer using the same process but it has then become abstracted and distilled by you so as that you can manipulate the semiotic process into an unveiling of semi truth (the world through your eyes and not thiers) or creating for them a semi"gnostic" experience.
that's enough for tonight I'm afraid I'll become incomprehensible if i stay away for too much longer.
"Gnosology may be considered in the context of cognitive psychology to be a study of gnosis; or an attempt to objectively access the experience of an other's firsthand knowledge."-wikipedia
Gnosology is something that has always interested me weather i knew that was the word for it or not. I like so many others sometimes feel trapped behind my own eyes and wish that i could see through others and they through mine. Every ones perception differs and there is no way to have another person experience the same thing you did even if you had been standing shoulder to shoulder at the time of the event in which you are trying to objectively share. Depending on your thought process you can "see" different objects and events in the same time and space and of course you will have differing emotions on the subject. Now I know this is no Revelation to you more just a reiteration of the facts.But it is for my own frustration with this subject that brings me to enjoy art.
Creating visual arts is the closest thing to being able to create an experience of gnosis. By translating and abstracting a picture or event through your mind via your hand and tool set you are reducing (but not eliminating) the viewers own Semiotic process... to some extent.
Semiosis this one s a bit hard to explain without going too in depth. I'll borrow what i can to explain. This blurb explains the act of semiosi I think you'll get the drift
"As an insect or animal, human or otherwise, moves through its environment (sometimes termed the Umwelt), all the senses collect data which are made available to the brain. However, to prevent sensory overload, only salient data will receive the full attention of the cognitive elements of the mind. This indicates that a part of the process must be controlled by a model of the real world capable of ranking data elements in terms of their significance and filtering out the data irrelevant to survival. A sign cannot function until the audience distinguishes it from the background noise. It then triggers cognitive activity to interpret the data input and so convert it into meaningful information"
"Umwelt; The term is usually translated as "subjective universe".
The Umwelt theory states that the mind and the world are inseparable, because it is the mind that interprets the world for the organism. Consequently, the Umwelts of different organisms differ, which follows from the individuality and uniqueness of the history of every single organism. When two Umwelts interact, this creates a semiosphere."
"Semiosphere is the sphere of semiosis in which the sign processes operate in the set of all interconnected Umwelts"
Definitions from ~Wikipedia
So if i haven't lost you yet ..what I'm trying to say is that by simply painting a picture or taking a photo etc. you are essentially removing the person from their own umwlet and their own semiotic process and letting them see the world through the semiosphere as you see it.
Now of course every piece of art it then reinterpreted again by the viewer using the same process but it has then become abstracted and distilled by you so as that you can manipulate the semiotic process into an unveiling of semi truth (the world through your eyes and not thiers) or creating for them a semi"gnostic" experience.
that's enough for tonight I'm afraid I'll become incomprehensible if i stay away for too much longer.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Fast Forward
its been sometime since i have blogged. I had set up this blog in anticipation of becoming a participant in the Neuocam blogging community as i had previously been a non-blogging operative. However as we all know they cut most of the staff ending Phase 1 operations. After a short break I started to miss the cam and now here I am again. The sotry goes like this:
To that I replied:
My response was soon forwarded to Mr. Eric Lewis:
So thats what I did. I wnt through my old records and fornd my first apllication form and revised it. Afterall it hadnt been long sice it was submitted the first time. My opinions hadnt changed form before and i hadnt really learned anythign from my one real assignment. here it goes:
Thats the tangle in this rats nest that I'm stuck on now. I repyed to him by forwarding the email corrispondence i had kept from my only assignment. I am currently in the process of writing a letter to Operations about what I can or cannot reveal about this assignment. I can tell you a few thing however that i feel would not infringe upon my most solemn vow of secrecy.
Heh.. well i can say more that that i guess seeing as how I'm not even an active operative anymore and this was a assignment from over a year ago.
Prefixed to this package i sent to Mr. Jack Parsosn was my written response.
On 5/20/06, Harriet Moore <> wrote:
>> Attention All Operatives,
>> The beginning of 2006 has seen some momentous changes for Neurocam
>> International. The first -and most broadly sweeping- has been the
>> conclusion
>> of Neurocam Phase One Operations. Which I am pleased to announce, has
>> shown
>> astounding results.
>> I would like to personally thank each and every one of you who
>> participated
>> in Neurocam International Phase One. Without you, we would not have been
>> able to accomplish nearly as much.
>> As of May 1st 2006, all phase one Operatives are hereby released from
>> their
>> operational duty. We have closed and sealed the records on all Phase One
>> Operations. These are no longer available as they are now in the
>> possession
>> of Neurocam International's Research Division.
>> Many employees moved on to outside opportunities, others have been
>> inducted
>> into the Nautonier and will no longer be in contact outside of Nautonier
>> channels, and even more will continue on within various branches of
>> Neurocam
>> International.
>> I am also proud to officially announce the beginnings Phase Two of
>> operations. Applications for Phase Two are open as of May 5th, 2006.
>> Neurocam International would like to express its deepest gratitude to
>> all of
>> its phase one operatives for the dedication and expertise they have
>> shown
>> this organization.
>> Good luck in all of your future endeavors.
>> Regards,
>> Harriet Moore
>> C.E.O.
>> Neurocam International
To that I replied:
From: anonymous user <>
> Reply-To: anonymous user <>
> Subject: Re: Phase One Operations
> To: Harriet Moore <>- Hide quoted text ->
> Dear Ms. Moore,
> I am writing in response to your last email. It seems that you have taken me
> off the books with many other operatives. I have also noticed that the
> applications section of has been opened to take in new
> operatives. What I am wondering is: do I need to reapply to regain Operative
> status or can I simply ask that you take a look at my old records and ask
> that they be used as application and proof of exemplary performance in the
> past? Thank you for your time and I most sincerely hope to become once again
> in your employ.
> Best Wishes
> *~GREY
My response was soon forwarded to Mr. Eric Lewis:
My Dear Mr. Grey,
As I'm sure you area aware, Mrs. Moore is unable to reply to all
correspondence personally. My name is Eric Lewis, and I am assisting
Mrs. Moore
with the influx of email her recent notice has caused.
You should not take the conclusion of Phase One Operations, as a personal
slight. You have not been "taken off the books" as such, more along the lines
of those particular books have come to an end. Opening way for the next books
in the series.
You are correct in that applications for Phase Two Operations are currently
ongoing. However, as Ms. Moore states in her message "We have closedand sealed
the records on all Phase One Operations. These are no longer available as they
are now in the possession of Neurocam International's ResearchDivision." so in
answer to your question, yes, you would have need to reapply to regain
Feel free to contact me directly if you have any further questions.
Eric Lewis
Head of Custodial ServicesNeurocam International(we go through your trashcans)
So thats what I did. I wnt through my old records and fornd my first apllication form and revised it. Afterall it hadnt been long sice it was submitted the first time. My opinions hadnt changed form before and i hadnt really learned anythign from my one real assignment. here it goes:
OK that went all fine and well and wasnt rejected yet as far as i know but there is yet another knot in this line i'm trying once again to untangle:Dear Sir/Ma'mGrey
I am pleased to be sending you my aplication to review and hope to be speaking to you very soon.
1. Name, date of birth and preferred Operative name
Operative name: Grey
2. Preferred email address if different from sender address
N/A:same as sending address
3. City and country of residence
I reside in Mendon MA which is nearby Boston and Worcester MA also it is of equal distance to Providence RI. These cities are all located in the United States.
4. First language and secondary languages
English is my only language
5. Current occupation
research and Development Technician (chemistry)/Student
6. What do I think Neurocam is?
I can tell you this ..Neurocam only exists because I and others are aware of its existence. If everyone simply ceases to recognize Neurocam, then Neurocam is forever lost. For truth to exist, existence has to exist before it and so it is with Neurocam. I hope I am clear on this as it seems the way I put it is a bit confusing. By me being an operative I propagate the existence of Neurocam and you the existence of me. Neurocam is more than the sum of its parts and yet nothing at the same time.
7. I originaly heard about Neurocam from a random posting found on made by a Simon Blackmoore. ( ) I was also a phase one operative and am hoping to come back after a short time off.
8. A minimum of 300 words detailing what you have to offer Neurocam
What I have to offer Neurocam:
I can offer you an open mind and a willingness to commit to the directions I receive I offer what time I have to the job at hand. In honest I offer everything and nothing all at the same time with no or little understanding of that which I offer or do not offer. I offer you my interest in Neurocam, the sound of my breath, my bullshit words and perhaps a sunrise upon a new day. I offer what you already have but that which may be enriched trough a mutual partnership between two parties for personal gain. I offer to benefit humanity itself through the freedom to make decisions and the responsibility for the outcome of these decisions because people may only be judged or defined by their actions and choices, and human choices are the ultimate evaluator. By my choices you can judge me worthy of being an operative. I can produce multimedia content if you wish as what is what my degree is in. I can offer a perspective not seen through others eyes and hear for you what no one else hears. I offer you these
facts as you have offered me in your disclaimer:
I am not trying to sell
I am not trying to buy
neurocam is not my fantasy
I am not Complacent
I am not Innocence
I am not Splint
I am not evil
I am not good
I am not going anywhere
I am not going nowhere
I am not probably not what you think I am
But...I AM
9. Do I instinctively turn right or left?
I turn to face what threat stands before me and fight off what may harm me. However I may tend to turn right.....
Thank you for your time.
From: Jack Parsons Mailed-By: To: Operative GreyDate: Aug 24, 2006 9:16 PMSubject: Re: Operative Grey Aplication/ReaplicationDear Mr. Grey,
Thank you for submitting your application for readmittance to Neurocam.
Phase 1 operatives are allowed to reapply, but due to certain security
concerns there will be an extra requirement in certain cases.
Could you send me a detailed report on your involvement with Neurocam
International to date? Please include details on all assignments you have
completed as well as your internal reactions to these assignments. This
report will allow us to consider you for redeployment.
Jack Parsons
Regional Director of Operations
Northeast United States
Neurocam International
Thats the tangle in this rats nest that I'm stuck on now. I repyed to him by forwarding the email corrispondence i had kept from my only assignment. I am currently in the process of writing a letter to Operations about what I can or cannot reveal about this assignment. I can tell you a few thing however that i feel would not infringe upon my most solemn vow of secrecy.
Limited permission is granted to reveal a new assignment has been issued.
The limits of this revelation are as follows:
The assignment "is a long-term investment." If you have any doubts about
the scope of this clause please contact the Operations Division before
Heh.. well i can say more that that i guess seeing as how I'm not even an active operative anymore and this was a assignment from over a year ago.
I will not give you my report of course. I belive quite a few operatives had this assignment at this time as a recall there were quite a few question from operatives in the states as to what A4 paper was.NEUROCAM ASSIGNMENT NCI-4119/02-PRECAUTIONARY MANOEVURES InboxDear Operative Grey
Neurocam Operations
to meMore options 11/3/05
This email contains the details of your next assignment.
It is vital that Neurocam International is aware of non-digital secure
transmissions and communication facilities available to its Operatives.
Periodically, circumstances arise during which such methods become the
preferred means of communication with and between Neurocam International
and it's Operatives.
This assignment will ensure that Neurocam International is advised of a
functional and secure communication point that fulfills, to the best of
the Operative's knowledge and capabilities, Neurocam International's
requirements in accordance with internal protocol (i)03-T/4, "Sentinel."
Procedural details follow. Operatives should be aware that any unjustified
or unexplained deviation from operational protocol may result in the
levying of disciplinary action. Note that while the operational
requirements must largely be carried out consecutively, Operatives are
permitted to do so over the course of several days if necessary.
1. On a piece of A4 paper, write, type, print or otherwise transcribe the
following phrase *in block capital letters*:
On the reverse, along the bottom edge of the paper, write, type, print or
otherwise transcribe the following URL:
2. Seal the paper on which the phrase has been transcribed in an ordinary
envelope. On the outer surface of the envelope, in the area commonly
reserved for printing of the intended recipient's address, write, type,
print, or otherwise transcribe the following word *in lower case letters
3. Identify a location in your town or city which fulfills the following
i) It is within walking distance of an internet cafe or public access
point, OR, should this prove impossible, within walking distance of a
public library or bookshop. An identifying token of this establishment
should be obtained and submitted with the report materials.
ii) It is untainted, insofar as can be reasonably ascertained, by the
color yellow.
4. Within the chosen location, further identify a niche, hollow, crack,
indentation, nook, opening, recess, alcove or other place that is, in your
opinion, suitable for the secure concealment of an item or items
corresponding to the approximation dimensions of one (1) unfolded A4
envelope containing up to four (4) sheets of A4 paper varying from 50-80g
in weight.
5. Place the envelope containing the indicated phrase prepared in steps 1
and 2 within it.
6. Provide concise and unambiguous directions to this secure transmission
point (SCT). Ensure that these directions would allow someone unfamiliar
with the Operative's location to quickly travel to the SCT. Include a note
of any precautions necessary to preserve the secure nature of the SCT.
7. Provide a short account of the reasoning involved in the choice of SCT,
and indicate any additional steps that might be taken to increase security
and utility.
8. The provision of photograph documentation of this assignment is
strongly encouraged, though not essential. You are encouraged to provide:
i) A photograph of the sealed and inscribed envelope from steps 1-2
ii) A photograph of the location from step 3.
iii) A photograph of the identifying token from step 3(i).
iv) A photograph of the SCT identified in step 4, showing the placed
envelope as directed in step 5.
v) Additional photographic documentation to clarify step 6.
If this cannot be provided for reasons of availability, security, or other
extenuating circumstances (which should be detailed in the your report)
then the substitution of sketches, maps, or other appropriate
documentation is permissable. In such cases it is essential that - at the
very least - a map to the SCT and a sketch of its location be provided,
hand-drawn, annotated, or otherwise.
9. Do not return to the SCT until and unless otherwise directed by a
representative of Neurocam International. Do not reveal details of the
location or function of the SCT to any agent, including other Operatives
of Neurocam International, unless specifically requested to do so by a
representative of Neurocam International.
Prefixed to this package i sent to Mr. Jack Parsosn was my written response.
Dear Mr. Parsons,I felt this was just not enough effort and didnt express my intrest in becoming an operative again so after a week of frettign about it i sent a follow up message to Mr. Parsosns.
I have kept copies of all prior assignments i have completed. Fortunately for us at this point i have only completed one phase one assignment as i was accepted into Neurocam not long before the beginning of phase two. I felt just fine about this assignment. I found it to be enjoyable to complete and a nice diversion from my daily life. I would have liked to know what became of this message as i never went back to the spot as instructed. The following email is my Response to the Assignment and I will paste in the actual assignment below this. If you have any further questions or would like more details please contact me any time.
So far I have had no response to my aplication. I know how slow the cam is but its got me a bit worried.Dear Mr. ParsonsI am writing to inquire about the status my redeployment. Is the report that I submitted to you last week detailed enough? Also would you like the initial perception assignment i had completed? I have only sent you a report on the fieldwork I had done. However that is the bulk of my neurocam experience. I am greatly anticipating my reactivation and deployment to the field and I hope i can be even more of an asset in the current phase two operations. Lastly I would like to amend my last report by stating my greatest internal reaction to my assignment was that i would like to have more of them and more of an opportunity to grow within NCI. That sir is the honest truth. I am hopeful that soon I will be working once more within NCI.~BestGrey
Monday, February 13, 2006
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