"Grey, depending on the amount of light, the human eye can interpret the same object as either grey or some other color and grey is its own complement. Grey can be seen after seeing a picture for about 30 seconds in a visual image that persists after the visual stimulus causing it has ceased to act; the colors will switch to their complements."

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Dear Doppleganger ...

At this point I am becoming irritated...

Over the last year of so I've had many reports stating that people have talked to me in person, via phone or via fraudulent email addresses.

In the case that any of you are the ones who believe that they may have contacted me; I'm sorry you have not.. unless you write to me at and only at operativegrey@gmail.com

The operativegrey@googlemail.com is not me and is a fraud. Also, I have spoken to only Adren via my cell phone in many months although some other do have my number.

I hope this serves as a warning to those of you who may have been fooled and a thorn in the side of the one who admires me so much he would like to take my mask to wear as his own.


comming soon