Agents are in demand now more than ever in this area. Thats why many of you North American Ops have been seeing a quiet lull these past few months. you recall the Nigerian scammers right? This is 100X more dangerous and 100X more lucrative if NCI plays it cards right. Iran has exported its revolution to the Shiite sector in Lebanon and NCI has been instrumental in establishing contacts and building cells there. In this vein, it has built, financed, equipped, trained Hizballah operatives along side our own, empowering it as a political party and armed militia. Indeed, Hizballah is the long arm Iran has long used to threaten Israel and now currently with a little aid from the shady free lance intelligence agency we have all grown to love. This use of NCI as a middleman of sorts by Iran has proven to be useful for avoiding American criticism because of the inherent lack of Iranian evidence left by the use of this arrangement.
Some of the magick training and occult overtures that have been seen currently and in the past with NCI have strong ties with Islamic Sufism. This induction has worked well when sending operatives to work in this area of the world. Sufism, partly because orthodox resistance precluded its integration is most often practiced in cells called a tariqa or zawiya or ribat. This religious sect is not know for extremism and thus is not a likely suspect to be watched with much interest. Due to the aforementioned facts a sufi cell is the perfect cover for these operations.....
I've probably said too much and let the cat partially out of the bag already but hey its not like they have any power to stop me these days...
here is the picture of recent evidence submitted by Tremonti: