"Grey, depending on the amount of light, the human eye can interpret the same object as either grey or some other color and grey is its own complement. Grey can be seen after seeing a picture for about 30 seconds in a visual image that persists after the visual stimulus causing it has ceased to act; the colors will switch to their complements."

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

This should have been here not the boards

Neurocam is a fansatic facade of interwoven narriatives poking out twisting around and then turning in on themsevles seeming to impolde endlessly. However there is always another narrative waiting behind it to do the same thing. Every bit of information gained is another peice that it taken away from you and with every door opened there is yet another door waiting behind it, taking you back to the place you whence came.

Neurocam is a shady multinational corporation with suspect intentions yet it is not a shady multinational corporation with suspect intentions. Neurocam is an ARG yet it is not an ARG. Neurocam is an unveiling of no particualr thing but what it is depends on the person in which it is unveiled to yet no particular thing is by definition nothing yet something is to be unveiled.

Neurocam is not unlike us changing each moment like a cloud drifitng through the sky not bieng anymore than the sum of its experiences and those that experience it. Yet Neurocam was never meant to be about a group of people working together to solve puzzles which would leave the cloud void of the water vapor that is its existance.

So Neurocam is nothing and everythig all at once killed and being reborn with its every action.

"Everything is intuited or perceived in space and time, and therefore all objects of a possible experience , are nothing but phenomenal appearances, that is, mere representations, which in the way in which they are represented to us, as extended beings, or as series of changes, have no independent, self-subsistent existence apart from our thoughts."

—Critique of Pure Reason


Anonymous said...

Dude, you totally ripped this off from OJ's blog!


Unknown said...

hey mate wheres my link?


comming soon